Aboriginal Initiative
We acknowledge that we worship on the traditional territories of the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, and the Michi Sagiit Nishnaabeg, with our nearest neighbours being the Chippewas of Georgina Island. For thousands of years, these Indigenous Peoples developed their knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual practices in caring for this planet so that their grandchildren’s grandchildren may also benefit from the gifts of Mother Earth. We appreciate the teachings about respectfully connecting with all Human Beings and with all non-human Beings as relatives. We also appreciate the teachings about putting into practice the principles of an Honourable Harvest. It is good to walk beside Indigenous Peoples giving Creator/Gitchi Manidoo thanks for the many gifts of Mother Earth which sustain us each day.

Ephiphany reflection
from rev'd David Franks
January 15, 2025
Rev. David Franks Reminds

National Truth and Reconciliation Day is formerly known as Orange Shirt Day. For a history of this Day began by Phyllis Webstad in 2013, visit the website ORANGE SHIRT SOCIETY.
Every child is a gift of the Creator for not only parents and extended family members but also for everyone in our communities from coast to coast to coast. Creator Sets Free Jesus put a child in the middle of the crowd and taught those who walk in his way to learn from these children.
If you have yet to donate to FNMI INITIATIVES, please be generous in providing honoraria for Indigenous Participants in worship for the Sunday for Truth and Reconciliation and the Indigenous Sunday in June 2025 as well as for the Trinity Fall Talking Circle 2024 and the Lenten Talking Circle in 2025.
On a cheque, identify your gift as FNMI INITITATIVES.
For an e-transfer, enter FNMI INITITIATIVES in the message box.
In giving cash, place your gift in an envelope and write FNMI INITIATIVES on the outside of the envelope.
FNMI stands for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit, who are identified as having Indigenous heritage.
Prayerfully consider donating on a monthly or quarterly basis over the coming year.
Thanks to your generosity, $3500 has been already given to the Chippewas of Georgina Pow Wow Coordinator Lauri Hoeg t the to provide support in three ways.
The children and youth who wear their Regalia dance in the Pow Wow Circle can be recognized and appreciated in a more substantial way. Those who make Regalia can receive some support. Some funds can go towards the cost of having a Visitor Drum Circle support Nanockashee Jacob Charles with his Home Drum Circle in singing and drumming over two full days.


For the Season of Creation
We offer Lunch & Learns, Movie Nights & Coffee Hours focusing on the impact of poverty, Residential Schools and current events (Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Idle No More)
We work with the National Indigenous Bishop of Canada, Bishop Mark MacDonald, and his ‘water group’ Pimatisiwin Nipi to support clean and accessible water for all people in Canada
Spiritual walk
We support the integration of thoughtful prayers and Indigenous-focused worship services
Strategic Funding
We assist the First Peoples of Canada through participation in the Advent Conspiracy program each December. Our strategic funding has been focused on the Pikangikum Water Project through PWRDF.
spirit garden
Now is Open
The last week of September 2024 we celebrated the opening of SPIRIT GARDEN to honor the residential school survivors.
A video clip of this project introduces the various artists and Knowledge Keepers who contributed to making this Call to Action #82 from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission a reality.
This interpretive center provides visitors with a reflecting pool, a Two Row Wampum Belt Walkway, a Voyageur Canoe, Inukshuk, a timber frame Teaching Lodge, a Three Sisters Carden, and a Turtle Sculpture climbing out of the waters.
Funding for SPIRIT GARDEN has been gathered from a host of individuals (including some from Trinity in Aurora) and corporations (including the Anglican Diocese of Toronto) as well as from the City of Toronto, the Province of Ontario, and the federal government.
To learn more about the first-hand experience of the Opening Ceremony, click HERE.