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Lenten talking circles 2025

led by Rev. David Frank

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Dates: Thursdays March 13, 20, 27; April 3, 10, 2025

Time: 7:30 - 9 PM

Place: Online Zoom

We will be reading the book THE KNOWING (HarperCollinsPublishing, 2024) by Tanya Talaga. As the book is structured according to the colours of the Four Directions (Yellow, Red, Black, and White), it would be good to read each of these sections for the first four Talking Circles and then devote the last Talking Circle to the Prologue, Epilogue, and Epilogue with some exploration of personal application for the last Talking Circle. 


From Tanya Talaga, the critically acclaimed and award-winning author of Seven Fallen Feathers, comes a riveting exploration of her family’s story and a retelling of the history of the country we now call Canada.

For generations, Indigenous People have known that their family members disappeared, many of them after being sent to residential schools, “Indian hospitals” and asylums through a coordinated system designed to destroy who the First Nations, Métis and Inuit people are. This is one of Canada’s greatest open secrets, an unhealed wound that until recently lay hidden by shame and abandonment. Click here to learn more...

THE KNOWING by Tanya Talaga is available at Inigo/Chapters or Amazon for $29.95. It is also available on Kindle. 

Please register with the Trinity Office Administrator Kelly Clarke in Aurora by calling her at 905-727-6101, and providing your email address and telephone number in case some difficulties arise in sending or receiving the ZOOM link.


If you have any questions, please send the Talking Circle Facilitator David Franks an email at or call him at 905-715-9997.

We are always looking for your support! Let's connect.


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