2025 Lent
Youth Led Food Drive
Every Sunday from March 9 to April 13, 2025
Each week the youth are asking parishioners to bring theme food items.
All food donations go to our beloved The Help Cupboard!
Thank you for your support and participation!

Week 1
March 9
cereal, oatmeal, canned fruit and juice boxes

Week 2
March 16
snacks like granola bars, bear paws, puddings etc.

Week 3
March 23
soups and crackers of your choice

Week 4
March 30
pasta, pasta sauce, kraft dinner, rice etc.

Week 5
April 6
Canned vegetables. Canned tomatoes, corn
(no beans please! 🫡)

Week 6
April 13
Canned meat and fish like ham and tuna etc.
Parishioners participation is needed to make this fundraiser a huge success.
We also will accept Grocery Gift Cards, cheques and cash! Make cheques out to Trinity Anglican Church and in the memo put The Help Cupboard.
Thank you so much for your support!
The Youth of Trinity