Trinity Aurora is first and foremost a spiritual community. Above all else, we are committed to providing deep and meaningful opportunities to engage in spiritual formation. We operate a well networked small group ministry, we offer a number of resources to deepen your personal devotional life, and we offer engaging sermon series on a seasonal basis.
About Trinity
Trinity Aurora is a vibrant and inclusive Christian community, rooted in the Anglican tradition and welcoming people from all ages and walks of life.
Trinity Aurora is a parish in the Diocese of Toronto, and we support many initiatives through various diocesan projects and programs.
We exist to connect spiritual journeys by welcoming people into meaningful experiences of Christian worship and spiritual formation, and through engagement in the wider community and world.
We are welcoming of all kinds of families, and if yours happens to include children or grandchildren, we want them to feel at home with us, too! Our belief is this: children and youth are not future members of the church; they are present with us now, and their interests and their contributions are important to us.
We also believe you and your family should choose to take part in our services and programs in a way that best supports your needs.
You can go to our Outreach and Programs page for more on the options available for children worshipping at Trinity.

My First Sunday at Trinity
What should I wear?
The bottom line, wear what you are comfortable wearing. We gather as God’s loved people; some casual, others more dressed up. It’s not a surprise to see shorts, t-shirts, sandals, jeans and bright vibrant colours in equal numbers with dark suits, ties, and dresses. It’s your call. After all, we are thrilled that you’re joining us and want you to be more focused on the experience than what you’re wearing.
Will I fit in?
Whether you are old or young, coming with friends, or family, or on your own, like more traditional forms of worship or prefer something more modern, or even if you are unfamiliar with an Anglican church, you will find a place here and people who are just like you.
How will I know what to do?
Inside the front or side entrances of the church, you’ll meet our greeters who’ll give you a friendly welcome and a leaflet explaining what will happen during the service. Just sit wherever you want. There are no reserved seats.
There are times during the service when people stand, sit, or kneel. The leaders of the service will invite you to do so as you are able. If you lose track, just watch what your neighbours do.
It’s not necessary to kneel for the prayers; some people like to kneel, and others prefer to sit. If you have difficulty standing or are minding a baby or toddler, feel free to sit throughout the entire service. Many people do.
Do I have to put money in a collection plate?
We do take a collection during the service. Like everyone else, we have to pay the bills, but making a financial contribution during the service is voluntary. If you don’t want to put anything on the plate the day you visit us, just hand the plate along to your neighbour.
Many regular members donate by pre-authorized payment or write a monthly cheque, so you won’t be the only one passing.
Can I take communion? What do I do?
All are welcome to gather at the table.
When it comes time for communion, people are directed row by row to the front of the church. The clergy will speak a small prayer and place a thin round communion wafer in your open palm. You don’t need to say anything, but a lot of us reply with a quiet, heartfelt Amen. You can then take the wafer from your hand and eat it.
In the Anglican Church we drink real wine from a common cup (we sometimes call it “the chalice”), which is offered to you by church members assisting the clergy (we sometimes call them “chalice bearers”). They too say a few words, and you take a sip from the offered cup. It’s okay to touch, hold, or steady the cup. It’s also okay to receive only the wafer. If you would rather not consume the wine, you can pause at the cup to hear the words of communion, or you can just walk past the chalice bearers and return to your seat.
If you don’t want to take communion at all but would like a blessing, go up to the front with everyone else and just cross your arms over your chest.
You’re also perfectly welcome to remain in your seat during this part of the service. If you have mobility concerns and would like communion brought to you, just signal an usher and they’ll make it happen for you.
Where do I park?
The church has a parking lot off Church Street on the east side of the church and plenty of street parking free of charge on Sundays.
What if I say or do the wrong thing while I’m at the church?
We all do from time to time, but honestly, there aren’t that many ways to slip up. And if you happen to get off track or go astray, you couldn’t pick a better place to do so!
Any other questions?
Call our office, email, or come for a visit!