Quick Reference Guide for In-Person Worship
Before Coming to Church
Register online in advance, for the upcoming Sunday 9:00 AM service.
Registration opens each Monday morning and closes each Friday at noon (or sooner, if all spots are filled), for the upcoming Sunday service.
For each person planning to attend,
list their name and contact information
answer basic health screening questions
No computer or internet access? Please connect with a “registration buddy” to help you register online. Or as a last resort, call the church office and leave a message on the general voicemail box.
The number of attendees is strictly limited – if the maximum is reached for the upcoming Sunday, there will not be any more registrations available. If you were able to attend in-person worship the prior Sunday, consider waiting until Tuesday to register, to give others an opportunity to attend worship.
You can always join Trinity’s 9 AM Sunday worship via YouTube live-stream if you are unable to join in-person worship.
When Arriving at Church
Please take care of your “bathroom needs” at home before arrival; upstairs washrooms are only for urgent needs.
Arrival and entry begin at 8:30 AM to 8:45 AM – no last-minute rush, please!
Entry will be via the church parking lot doors only (Metcalfe St, east side of the building). Line up, staying 6 feet apart.
Bring and wear a mask at all times (face shields and masks with vents are not approved).
Show your service ticket (paper or electronic).
Reaffirm your health status.
Keep your coats, umbrellas, etc, with you at all times.
On Entry
Sanitize your hands.
Continue to wear your mask.
Obtain a paper order of service (or download the order of service on your phone/tablet, to save paper! Link available here).
Follow directions from greeters.
Sit only where designated and/or indicated (people in the same family/bubble can sit together).
Stay 6 feet apart.
Socialize with the mask on and safely distanced (and ideally outside).
During the Worship Service
Remain in your place except as directed.
Observe the Peace with smiles, words, or gestures from your place.
Refrain from singing.
For Communion (optional - all are welcome to participate to the extent of your comfort), come forward as directed in single file.
Receive the host (bread) in your hands, mask on, and then move as directed to the side.
When at the side, remove your mask only to consume the consecrated bread, then put your mask back on.
Continue to stay 6 feet apart at all times.
When the Service is Over
Continue to wear your mask and stay 6 feet apart.
Follow directions from clergy and/or greeters for orderly exiting the service.
Take everything with you, including your order of service and used children's activity packets.
Exit through the parking lot side doors (Metcalfe Street, east side), maintaining 6 feet distancing from everyone.
Refrain from gathering at exits, vestibules or walkways.
If You Have Children
Church School is offered online only; children attending in-person worship must remain with their family for the whole service.
Use masks, except for those 2 and under.
Bring your own toys and snacks or get a package from the greeters.
Do not share items or leave anything behind.
Special Circumstances Or Individual Needs?
Worshippers with mobility or accessibility issues or other health needs should advise and take direction from the greeters.